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Length and distance

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The height of The Victoria Peak is about ( 5 / 50 / 500) metres tall.
500 metres
Dad brings Ray to buy school uniform. What is the most suitable tool to measure Ray’s waist length?
Tape measure
806 cm = _________ m _________ cm
8 m 6 cm
A paper clip is about 3 _________ long. (write suitable unit)
A basketball stand is about 3 _________ tall. (Write suitable unit)
A piece of A4 paper is about 28 _____ long. (Write suitable unit)
A bus is about 12 ______ long. (Write suitable unit)
Which one is the longest? A. 6 m 9 cm, B. 690 cm, C. 6 m 29 cm
430 cm = _________ m _________ cm
4 m 30 cm
2 m 7 cm = _________ cm
2 m 7 cm = 207 cm