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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many people are there in Brazil?
What was the first character from Walt Disney?
When was the first computer created?
How high is the Eiffel tower ?
300 meters
How old is the Eiffel tower?
134 years old
How much time take to build the Chinese Wall?
Two thousand years
How long is the Chinese Wall?
21 thousand miles
How high is the Statue of Liberty?
93 Meters
Ants are able of carrying food 100 times as heavy as themselves
Ants are able of carrying food 50 times as heavy as themselves.
Cows can get down stairs.
Cows can't get down stairs.
Hot dog is from U.S.
Hot dog is from Germany.
Butterflies have four eyes.
Butterflies have about 12 thousand eyes.
In somewhere, There is a light bulb turn on more than 116 years.
It's a true fact.
The Eiffel Tower was originally red.
It's a true fact.
 Chinese Wall is made of lime,water and sticky rice?
It's a true fact.
The Empire State Building is 800 meters high.
Empire State Building is 443 meters.
The largest snowflake ever measured 38 cm in diameter.
It's a true fact.