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M1 - ENLL - Exam prep

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What happens to the losing team?
The headmaster has flour thrown on his head
What does the winner of the school quiz get to do ?
The headmaster of the winning school can talk for 1 minute on TV to the whole country!
Dinah managed to record TDH on her phone T/F
F - TDH caught her
What did Dinah have in her pocket when she was getting ready to spy on TDH?
What colour skin does he have ?
White / ivory
What colour hair does TDH have?
Fair hair, colourless like snow.
What clothes does TDH wear?
Black suit and long teacher's gown
TDH is tall and fat - T/F
F = he is tall and thin
How did TDH know that Dinah was clever in maths?
He tricked her in to answering all the questions correctly when she was hypnotised
What does TDH want Dinah to do to stop Harvey getting in trouble?
Take part in the quiz and win on the Eddy Hair show
What is TDH's special power?
He can hynotise people
What is TDH's plan?
To hynotise the country on The Eddy Hair show.
What is the SPLAT group's plan?
To defeat TDH by tricking the Eddy Hair show team so they cannot come to the school
Who is in the SPLAT group?
Dinah, Lloyd, Harvey and some other school friends.
What is the SPLAT group
A group of Dinah and some friends who's goal is to defeat TDH
Describe what kind of glasses TDH wears
he normally hides behind dark-tinted glasses
Describe TDH's eyes?
piercing light green eyes