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Where is...?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where are they?
They are hiking.
Where is he?
He is in the bathroom.
Where are BTS?
They are on stage.
Where is he?
He is at the train station.
Where are they?
They are at the movie theater.
Where is he?
He is at the aquarium.
Where is he?
He is at the art museum.
Where is she?
She is in the classroom.
Where is Taehyung?
Taehyung is on the subway.
Where is he?
He is on the bus.
Where are they?
They are at the bus stop.
Where is he?
He is in the kitchen.
Where is he?
He is at the baseball field.
Where is Hoshi?
Hoshi is at the beach.
Where are they?
They are in the bathroom.
Where are they?
They are at the restaurant.
Where is he?
He is at the cafe.
Where is Sejeong?
She is in the cafeteria.
Where are they?
They're at the amusement park.
Where is she?
She is in the nurse's office.
Where is he?
He is at the convenience store
Where is he?
He is at the library.
Where are they?
They are at the grocery store.
Where is she?
She is in her bedroom.