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u9. First conditional

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If I leave now, I ________ (arrive) in New York by 8:00 PM.
will arrive
If you _________ (eat) fast food, you _________ (become) fat.
eat - will become/ 'll become
If he _________ (do) that, he will be sorry.
If your sister ________ (go) to Paris, she _________ (have) a good time.
goes - will have/ 'll have
You ________ (not/ do) well on your test if you don't study.
will not do/ won't do
They _______ (not/ know) the truth if you ________(not/ tell) them.
will not know/ won't know - do not tell/ don't tell
If I bake a cake, ________ (you/ have) some?
will you have
If he ________ (call) you, will you answer the phone?
If you get a haircut, you ________ (look) much better.
will look/ 'll look
If you ________ (not/ go) to the party, I ________ (be) very upset.
do not go/ don't go - will/ 'll be
If we ____ (go) on holiday this summer, we _____
go - ................................
If I ____ (go) out tonight, I ____ (go) to the cinema.
go - will go/ 'll go
If we _______ (be) free, we'll go with you.
are/ 're
If I ___ (win) the lottery, I ___ (buy) a new car.
If I win the lottery, I will buy a car.
What's the weather like?
It's snowy.
What will you do tonight?
I will do my homework/ do homework.
If it's chilly this weekend, ________ .
_______ .
homework / home/ do/ you/ it's/ Will/ at/ stay/ and/ your/ if/ snowy/ ?
Will you stay at home and do your homework if it's snowy?
he/ to/ boiling/ if/ go/ Will/ it's/ park/ the/ ?
Will he go to the park if it's boiling?
___ (you/ go) swimming if it ___ (be) sunny?
Will you go - 's/ is