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Uncle Jack and the Emperor Penguins

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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While they were reading, the phone ........
Penguins ...... their eggs.
What did Uncle Peter want them to bring?
He wanted them to bring the snow-making machine.
Did Uncle Peter want them to go to the Antarcitc?
Yes, he did.
Where was Uncle Peter?
He was at the Antarctic.
Who called Uncle jack?
Uncle Peter called Uncle Jack.
What did kids want to do?
They wanted to go to the Antarctic with Uncle Jack.
What did Grumpy put on?
He put on his sweater.
Did Grumpy go with them?
Yes, he did.
What did the kids put on?
They put on their sweaters, coats, scarves and hats.
Is it very cold in the Antarctic?
Yes, it is.
Did the kids put on their warmest clothes?
Yes, they did.
Which verb is it ? -to move something you wear onto your body
put something on
Did the kids want to go there too?
Yes, they wanted to go there too.