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Mystery Doug: Why do we celebrate April Fool's D ...

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How do you know the penguin video was a prank?
A. Penguins are fish B. Penguins went extinct. C. Penguins can't fly
What animal was photoshopped with the young child as a prank?
A. Lion B. Dinosaur C. Kangaroo
Why was it impossible that a volcano erupted?
A. Because volcanoes aren't real B. Because that city doesn't have any volcanoes C. Because volcanoes are only under water
Where did the news say that a volcano had erupted?
A. Boston B. New York C. Disney World
What was inside the cookie in the cookie prank?
A. Mustard B. Mayonaise C. Toothpaste
What prank did the teacher play on the students?
A. He gave them a hard spelling test B. He told them there was no school tomorrow. C. He gave them all bad grades.
When is April Fool's Day?
A. April 4 B. April 1 C. April 27