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The purpose of Biography: to provide details regarding the life of a person or a thing in an entertaining but informative manner. TRUE or FALSE.
What is the purpose of Biography?
To share the life of another person with an audience
Please mention at least 3 things that we need to write in a Biography.
Name, birth date, at least 3 facts about them, 2 special things that they have done, 2 important things why others must know about them, their quotes.
A biography can be about a famous person or someone you know personally, like a family member or a friend. TRUE or FALSE.
Biography is a piece of writing that tells true facts and information about someone's life. It is written by another person. TRUE or FALSE.
He is a British author, book, software publisher, and computer designer. He adopted the idea of Alan Key and made the computer that we can bring anywhere.
Adam Osborne
He is a British computer scientist. Without him, we don't know about 'www' (World Wide Web).
Tim Berners-Lee
He is an American computer scientist. Without him, we cannot access the internet.
Leonard Kleinrock