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Types of books

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a person who likes reading very much
a type of books that write about one kind or a lot of animals in there, maybe it's non-fiction or fiction
book about animals
a story, usually about imaginary characters and events, that is short enough to be read from beginning to end without stopping
short story
a story about a love affair
a genre of speculative fiction set in a fictional universe, often inspired by real world myth and folklore
fantasy novel
a novel in the form of a comic strip
graphic novel
a story in which there is a murder or other crime and a detective who tries to solve it
detective novel
a kind of novel for a person in their teenage years or early twenties
young adult novel
a story long enough to fill a complete book, in which the characters and events are usually imaginary
a type of literature that describes imaginary people and events, not real ones
poems in general; poems as a genre of literature
a type of large thin book with a paper cover that you can buy every week or month, containing articles, photographs, etc., often on a particular topic
a book that gives a list of the words of a language in alphabetical order and explains what they mean, or gives a word for them in a foreign language
a book that teaches a particular subject and that is used especially in schools and colleges
a book or set of books giving information about all areas of knowledge or about different areas of one particular subject, usually arranged in alphabetical order; a similar collection of information in digital form
the story of a person’s life written by somebody else
books, articles or texts about real facts, people and events
a particular type or style of literature, art, film or music that you can recognize because of its special features
a person who loves or collects books