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Social Studies Bamboozle

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name the 3 prairie provinces.
Alberta / Manitoba / Saskatchewan
What part of Canada can you find the Inuit Nation?
What animal did Metis people hunt for a source of income?
Free 15 points
15 Points
Name something that represents Canadian Identity
Who is the queen of the United Kingdom?
Queen Elizabeth II
Free 10 Points !!
What war were the British looking for black loyalists?
American Revolution
Which First nation group uses snowmobile to travel?
Why did Europeans want certain areas of land ?
Hunting, Fishing, Quality of Land, Water Sources, Climate, etc...
New Bonaventure, Newfoundland. Why did British people settle here?
How much money did the government pay as a land settlement to the Mississaugas First Nation.
145 Million
What is a treaty ?
Legally binding document between countries. International Law
What First Nation people are in our DDSB land acknowledgement ?
Mississaugas, Chippewas
What does imperialism mean?
Taking over as many countries as possible
What is the fur trade?
Worldwide industry buying and selling animal furs
What is cultural loss ?
One group gives up some of their culture to embrace another culture
Name an Indigenous Nation?
Cree, Ojibwe, Algonquin, Inuit, etc...
Name something that represents Canadian Identity.
Who are the Metis people?
Offspring of First Nations and Europeans
Name one job europeans were immigrating to Canada for in the 1800's
Teachers, Forestry, Farmers, Railway workers.... etc
Why is Sierra Leone significant to the black loyalists?
Option to live there... "Freetown"
True or False: Is the underground railroad a railroad?
What countries were fighting in the War of 1812?
Canada / Britain Vs. United States