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Comparative Form

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A pizza............................than a hot dog. (tasty)
A pizza is tastier than a hot dog
Some spiders.................................than snakes. (dangerous)
Some spiders are more dangerous than snakes
Tinna................................than Katy. I love her! (beautiful)
Tinna is more beautiful than Katy. I love her!
I think Art................................than Social Science. (easy)
I think Art is easier than Social Science.
Mirta Legrand...............................than Susana Gimenez. (old)
Mirta Legrand is older than Susana Gimenez.
Summer .......................than Spring and days............................too. (hot, long)
Summer is hotter than Spring and days are longer too.
Notebooks..........................than desk computers. They.....................too! (modern, expensive)
Notebooks are more modern than desk computers. They are more expensive too!
My best friend jack.............................in History than Geography. (interested)
My best friend jack is more interested in History than Geography.
Dogs.......usually...................than cats. That's why I love them. (friendly)
Dogs are usually friendlier than cats. That's why I love them.
I have got two brothers. They.....................than me. (young)
I have got two brothers. They are younger than me.
In the last English exam, I got a 8 but in this one I got a 5! It.................than the previous exam! (bad)
In the last English exam, I got a 8 but in this one I got a 5! It is worse than the previous exam!
Tomy...........................at Math than Peter. (good)
Tomy is better at Math than Peter
My new phone ..............................and ...................than my old one. (expensive/fast)
My new phone is more expensive and faster than my old one.
Basket balls.......................than football ones. (big)
Basket balls are bigger than football ones.
My baby brother ...............................than me. (small)
My baby brother is smaller than me.