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Adobe Illustrator Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this called?
What is the "gray" area called?
What does the A in C.R.A.P. stand for?
What does the P in C.R.A.P. stand for?
What does the R in C.R.A.P. stand for?
What is the "white" area called?
In Adobe Illustrator the WHITE arrow is called what?
Direct Selection Tool
In Adobe Illustrator, the BLACK arrow is called what?
Selection Tool
Minute to Win it: Create this shape
1 minute
Minute to Win it: Create this shape
1 minute
Minute to Win it: Create this shape
1 minute
Minute to Win it: Create this shape
1 minute
Minute to Win it: Create this shape
1 minute
Minute to Win it: Create this shape
1 minute
Minute to Win it: Create this shape
1 minute
Minute to Win it: Create this shape
1 minute
Minute to Win it: Create this shape
1 minute
Minute to Win it: Create this shape
1 minute
Minute to Win it: Create this shape
1 minute
Minute to Win it: Create this shape
1 minute
Minute to Win it: Create this shape
1 minute
Minute to Win it: Create this shape
1 minute
Minute to Win it: Create these shapes
1 minute
Minute to Win it: Create these shapes
1 minute
Minute to Win it: Create this shape using BLUE circles
1 minute
Minute to Win it: Create this shape with a BLUE FILL and RED STROKE
1 minute
What is the name of this tool?
Artboard Tool
What is the shortcut to ZOOM IN?
Ctrl or Cmd Plus (+)
What is the shortcut to ZOOM OUT?
Ctrl or Cmd Minus (-)
What is the shortcut to SAVE
Cmd S
What is the shortcut to UNDO a mistake?
Cmd Z