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Comma Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"We've lost our lunch money" cried the first graders.
...lunch money," cried...
Is a comma needed in this sentence? Kim woke up early and went for a run.
Is a comma needed in this sentence? We could eat at Pizza Hut or Taco Bell.
New York is a huge city but it is not the state capital.
...huge city, but it...
We are reading a book in class and it's really interesting.
...in class, and it's...
We had to visit my uncle in Topeka Kansas.
...Topeka, Kansas.
I live with my parents three sisters and a dog.
...my parents, three sisters, and a dog.
Have you ever been to Seattle Washington?
...Seattle, Washington?
We're celebrating with a red white and blue cake.
...red, white, and blue
Our last day of school will be Wednesday June 9 2021.
...Wednesday, June 9, 2021.
Jim was born on June 14 2003.
...June 14, 2003.
Science social studies and math are my favorite subjects.
Science, social studies, and math...
My favorite sports are baseball basketball and soccer.
...baseball, basketball, and soccer.
Shane can play shortstop second base or third base.
...shortstop, second base, or third base.
I think Brayden that you multiplied wrong.
I think, Brayden, that...
Liz it's been great talking to you.
Liz, it's been...
Where were you born Paul?
Where were you born, Paul?
Believe me I studied a lot for that test!
Believe me, I studied...
Of course learning English is very important.
Of course, learning....
Well my dad got a job here.
Well, my dad...