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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the solution that the text proposes?
To reach a balance between globalization and regional economic and cultural growth.
What's the consequence of standarizing a language?
We lose our cultural heritage.
Who said "one language dies every 14 days"?
Russ Rymer.
Is it Engish a lingua franca? Why?
Yes because most of the information is in this language.
Why is vital to learn another language nowadays?
To get a better job and to understand all information.
TRUE OR FALSE? Is it vital to learn another language nowadays?
Why globalization is influencing languages?
Because through internet, people are learning more languages.
Give an example of Lingua franca's situation.
Is it correct or wrong?
What's lingua franca?
A language that is adopted as communal.
Explain the meaning of abroad with your own words
Is a foreig place.
According to the text, why PISA'S TEST aren't good?
Because it disregards students' contexts
What are the PISA'S TEST used for?
To measure students' learning process and compare them with other students' levels around the world.
What's the meaning of the acronym PISA?
Programme for international student assessment
Why education has been influenced by globalization?
Because when a student gets a degree, his or her diploma is valid where he/she studies and abroad.
According to the text, what are transgenic seeds used for?
To save time and money avoiding pesticides.
What's a fertilizer?
A susbstance used to make plants grow faster.
What's the consequence of large-scale production?
It affects the agriculture.
TRUE OR FALSE? Is China's income per capita higher than U. States?
Where do the multinational companies place their productions?
In Central America and Asia
TRUE OR FALSE? Globalization is convenient for multinational companies.