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Revision unit 1-7

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's your favourite way of sending a message?
student's answer
What is your favourite school subject?
If you've got an earache, you should ...
go to the doctor, take a painkiller...
If you've got a cold, you shouldn't ...
drink cold water, eat ice cream, go out in the rain...
If you feel dizzy, you should....
stay in bed, sit down, drink some water ....
What is it?
a jellyfish
What is it?
a swimming pool
What's the matter?
She's got a stomach ache.
What's the matter?
He's got a headache.
What's the matter?
She's got a sore throat.
What's the matter?
He feels sick.
What's the matter?
He feels dizzy.
What's the matter?
He's got an earache.
What's the matter?
She's got a cough.
Read: 1990, 1858, 1173
One thousand nine hundred and ninety. One thousand eight hundred and fifty eight. One thousand one hundred and seventy three.
Name five water animals .
jellyfish, fish, dolphin, shark, octopus, crab....
You can find this place in a school. Children have lessons in it.
a classroom
This is between your hand and your arm.
a wrist
You use this to take photographs.
What was Pete good at?
He was good at Science/ Chemistry
What is it?