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Present Perfect, Past Simple, Present Simple

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ještě jsme neviděl ten film.
We haven't seen the film yet.
Koupili jsme si nové auto včera.
We bought a new car yesterday.
Už jsi někdy byl v Číně?
Have you ever been to China?
Shakespeare napsal mnoho dramat.
Shakespeare wrote a lot of dramas/plays.
Napsala už pět románů.
She has written five novels.
Píše knihy od roku 1990.
She has been writing books since 1990.
Je unavený. Celý den tvrdě pracoval.
He is tired. He has been working hard all day.
Viděl jsem ho před třemi dny.
I saw him three days ago.
V kolik hodin jsi dnes vstával?
What time did you get up today?
Kdy ses narodil?
When were you born?
Znám ho od roku 2012.
I have known him since 2012.
Hraje volejbal už 20 let.
He has been playing volleyball for twenty years.
Jak dlouho máš to auto?
How long have you had the car?