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Jazz Age

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What method of production is being used? And what effect did this new method of production have on the manufacture of automobiles? How did those changes affect the rest of society? (Be sure to answer ALL of the parts to this question, and w
Assembly Line-one job per person increased production
Explain how WWI and the suffrage movement led to the changing roles of women in the society of the 1920s. AND Describe the difference between the women in the late 1800s and the flappers of the 1920s. (Write at least 5 sentences)
Women had more free time, more liberated, became professionals, dressed differently, heavy make-up, short hair, flappers.
President Harding gave up his presidency because of the scandals he faced.
The Quota System let many immigrants into the United States.
Mass media were forms of communication that reached millions of people like radio, newspapers, and movies.
Carefree women of the 1920’s.
Illegal Bars.
A term that people called communists.
Producing and selling illegal alcohol.
People who wanted no government.
John T. Scopes challenged a Tennessee law that forbade the teaching of...
Prohibition banned the selling, making, and distributing alcohol in the U.S. People agreed and disagreed with Prohibition. These people were known as “Wets” and “Drys”. What were “Wets” and “Drys”?
“Drys” did not want alcohol and “Wets” wanted alcohol.
How did the automobile (car) industry change in the 1920s?
Cars were made every year with new models released with improvements.
What is mass-production?
Where companies use techniques like the assembly line to make more products.
Who did the Americans blame for industrial workers going on strike?
Communists “Reds” and Russia.
What was the Great Migration?
The move of African Americans to the north and west to look for better lives.
Which was a scandal that impacted President Harding’s time in office.
Teapot Dome Scandal, where people in office sold government oil.
The goal of the Five-Power Treaty was to...
decrease or limit the size of countries' navies to prevent militarism.
Which was NOT an EFFECT of Prohibition?
There was wartime hostility towards German American brewers.
Which action is an example of nativism in the 1920s?
Congress passing laws limiting immigration.
The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s was a period when African Americans...
created noteworthy works of art, music, and literature in New York.
People who supported and fought for women’s rights were known as...
A form of 1920s entertainment that was rooted in African American culture is...
Identify the group of people that did well under Coolidge’s Presidency.