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Florida Regions

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How far is Cuba from the southernmost marker on Key West?
90 miles (145 kilometers)
Key West is the _________________________ point of the continental U.S.
Scuba divers love this state park, which is home to a great variety of underwater life.
John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park
Marathon and this key, _____________________, are both well known among divers, boaters, and sport fishers.
What is the name of the bridge that leads to Marathon?
Seven-Mile Bridge
A famous playwright is associated with Key West. Who?
Tennessee Williams
What famous novelist once lived in Key West?
Ernest Hemingway
What is the best known town in the Keys, located at the far end of the Overseas Highway?
Key West
What are three important jobs in the Florida Keys?
scuba diving, fishing guide, and servers
Florida's Keys make most of their money from which two industries?
fishing and tourism
The keys are surrounded by the ocean and often enjoy cool
Which two bodies of water surround the Florida Keys?
Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico
Each key is a narrow strip of land made from pieces of
How many bridges are on the Overseas Highway?
In what direction from the mainland are the Florida Keys located?
Which key is closest to the mainland?
Key Largo
The leading county in seafood production is
Monroe County.
The Keys have no farms because
the soil is too sandy.
The Overseas Highway was once a
The word "key" comes from the Spanish word "cayo" which means
rocky island.