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Future Tense

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are you nervous? Yes, I _______________ (take) an important test today!
am going to take
I bought our tickets. We ________________ (see) our favorite band in a live concert!
are going to see
I think you ________________ (like) the food from that new restaurant.
will like
We _______________ (fly) to Venice in June.
are going to
The weather forecast is good for the next days. It _______________ (be) very sunny.
is going to be
Wow, what a beautiful sunset! I_______________ (take) some pictures.
will take
The party ________________ (be) amazing! I have everything planned!
is going to be
We _______________ (spend) our holiday at this hotel. We have already made the reservation.
are going to
I promise I _______________ (call) you tomorrow!
will call
Just a moment. I _______________ (help) you with the bags.
will help
Have you heard the news? Paul's sister _______________ (have) a baby.
is going to have
I think it’s too cold in here. Ok, we _______________ (turn off) the air conditioner.
will turn off
Oh no! I haven’t got enough money to get home. I ________________ (lend) you some if you need.
will lend
Why have you bought so many eggs? Because I _______________ (make) an omelette.
am going to make
Dad, can you do this for me? I’m sorry, ask mom, she _______________ (do) it for you.
will do
What are you going to get Jill for her birthday? I’ve decided I ________________ (get) her a CD.
am going to get
Why are you working so hard these days? Because I _______________ (buy) a car, so I’m saving as much as I can.
am going to buy