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Passive Voice &question tag

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She’s got beautiful eyes, ___________ ?
hasn't she
Brian would help out if he could, _____________?
wouldn't he
I’m not invited to the wedding, ___?
am I
Your dog messed up my garden, ________?
didn't it
Dancing really entertains the teacher, __________?
doesn't it
He hasn't been very lucky lately, _______?
has he?
Bubble Tea is addictive,_______?
isn't it
He isn't from Germany,_____?
is he
They have a pet, ______________?
don't they
We won't be late, ______________?
will we
Eric went to India last year, ______________?
didn't he
Your father is a salesman, _________?
isn't he
They could have broken the car.(The car ....)
The car could have been broken.
They didn't invite me.(I...)
I wasn't invited by them.
They had invited him to the cinema. ( He...)
He had been invited to the cinema.
The new boss has made some changes. (Some changes...)
Some changes have been made by the new boss.
They clean the windows every week.(The windows....)
The windows are cleaned every week.
The man opens the mail every morning.(The mail.....)
The mail is opened by the man every morning .
This tree is very old. It ___________________(plant) in the 19th century.
was planted
The kid _____________(play) the ball yesterday.
This photo __________________(take) by my grandfather when I was five.
was taken
I think hotels _______________ (build) in space in the future.
will be built
Smoking _______________ (not allow) on planes.
isn't allowed
The 2023 Football World Cup _______________ (hold) .
will be held
A lot of countries _______________ (take part) in the International Space Station project next year.
will take part
By the time we got to the party, all the pizza already_______________ (eat).
had been eaten