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Europe’s early middle ages

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Who were denied the rights of Roman citizenship?
Women, non-Romans and slaves
What was the price of the Roman peace?
tax, slaves and submission from all the lands it controlled.
The Pax Romana, or Roman peace, encouraged what?
Trade and the exchange of ideas.
What is an example of a Canadian code of law based on Roman laws?
The right to a fair trial and to rescue from poverty.
What was the common language for the whole empire?
Roman scholars and poets wrote......?
Thousands of books
Romans had great libraries filled with ancient works from where?
Greece and Egypt
the Romans built great cities decorated with what?
Works of art, magnificent gardens, arenas, public baths and theaters.
Romans admired the achievements of the ancient Greeks, so they copied and developed Greek what?
Arts and architecture.
The ??, the ?? and the ?? – as well as the Celtic people of Ireland, each made a unique contribution. Name the 3 peoples from the PowerPoint
The Franks, the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings
The Roman Legions were so powerful that the Roman Empire at its peak controlled most what?
Europe, southeast Asia, and northern Africa.
Who are the Roman Legions?
Roman armed forces
For more than six centuries, the what world and what empire were really one and the same?
Mediterranean world and the Roman Empire
Became superb organizers, developing systems such as what?
Running water, road networks, and military organizations.
Romans gathered thinkers and builders from where?
Asia, eastern Europe, and the middle east.
Romans borrowed Greek what and what and made them their own?
Attitudes and Learning
What does BCE stand for?
Before the common era
The Greek Empire weakened and fell to the Romans about when?
150 BCE
Alexander the Great conquered many lands and spread Greek culture as far east as where?
The Greeks made great advances in what?
art, architecture, drama, literature, medicine and science.
The Greeks eagerly studied philosophy. Which is defined as what?
The search for ideas, wisdom and knowledge.
The two most important early European civilizations where those of what?
Greece and Rome
The Mediterranean Sea also provided a transportation route from Middle East, Asia, Africa and Europe to do what?
To trade and learn from one another.
Europe had an enormous impact on world culture. Name some from the PowerPoint.
World’s art, architecture, and even the way many think has been affected by the western Europe.
The two most important early European civilizations where those of what?
Greece and Rome
History of western European civilization began thousands of years ago where?
On the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.
What did the Mediterranean Sea have to sustain large numbers of people?
Fertile soil, plenty of rainfall and sunshine, climate that was moderate. Plants had a long growing season and could provide a surplus of food