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Disney Fun Facts Trivia

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What color is Pocahontas's necklace? A) Silver B) Gold C) Blue D) Red
Dory from "Finding Nemo" is made up of three colors. What color does not belong? A) Blue B) Orange C) Yellow D) Black
Orange. Dory is Blue, Black, and Yellow.
Cri-Kee from Mulan is what color? A) Green B) Blue C) Gray D) Purple
Cri-Kee is a purple cricket
Snow Whites dress is made up of many colors. What color does not belong? Blue, White, Pink, Red, Yellow
There is no Pink in Snow White's dress.
In the Disney movie "Bolt," Bolt had a favorite Toy. What was it? A) Squeaky Bone B) Ball C) Squeaky Carrot D) Frisbee
Squeaky Carrot
What color is Chicken Little's shirt and glasses? A) Orange B) Yellow C) Red D) Green
The following quote is from what Disney movie? “I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy”
Finding Nemo
The following quote is from what Disney movie? “We may have our differences, but nothing’s more important than family”
The following quote is from what Disney movie? “Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere”
The following quote is from what Disney movie? “Some people are worth melting for”
"The Bare Necessities" is from what Disney movie?
The Jungle Book
"You'll Be In My Heart" is from what Disney movie?
"Friend Like Me" is from what Disney movie?
"You've Got A Friend In Me" is from what Disney movie?
Toy Story
Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze It means....
It means no worries For the rest of your days
How many sisters does Ariel have? A) 6 B) 2 C) 3 D) 5
Ariel has six older sisters named Attina, Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista and Andrina.
Besides Maximus and Pascal from Tangled...What other Disney characters never speak?
Dumbo, Tinker Bell (Peter Pan), Dopey (Snow White), Abu (Aladdin), Cri-Kee (Mulan)...
What Disney character was the first to fart onscreen? A) Tarzan B) Goofy C) Buzz D) Pumba
Pumba is the first Disney character to ever fart onscreen
Elsa from the movie Frozen was suppose to be a villain. What song from the movie did producers find as an empowering anthem making them change her storyline?
"Let It Go"
What Disney Princess has a Tattoo?
In 1955, Disneyland guests would have to pay to get into the park as well as ride tickets. About how much do you think it cost for a fun day at Disneyland in 1955? A) $200 B) $10 C) $50 D) $100
$10, with a total of 35 ride. Park admission cost $1, and attractions then cost $0.10 – $0.35
The voice of Optimus Prime from Transformers plays what Disney animal character? A) Stitch B) Simba C) Mushu D) Eeyore?
True or False? Disneyland Parks have their own colony of wild cats.
Ture: The California park has become home to up to 100 feral cats that help control pests.
Which Disney character got their own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame? Elsa, Woody, Mickey Mouse, or Mulan
Mickey Mouse became the first animated character to get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
True or False? Disney's first character was Mickey Mouse.
False: the animator's first creation was Oswald the Lucky Rabbit.
True or False? Walt Disney kept live animals on the set of some of his productions.
True: To make the animals in his films as realistic as possible, he often brought live animals into the studio