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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I think I _________________________ to bed early tonight. - I’m tired. (GO)
I will go
They _________________________ married in June. (GET)
are getting
The headmaster _________________________ a new classroom next term. (OPEN)
is going to open
By the time I arrive home, the workers _________________________ repairing my TV set. (FINISH)
will have finished
I don't think the exam _________________________ very difficult. (BE)
will be
I _________________________ lunch with Mary at 12. (HAVE)
I'm having
The Pope _________________________ Turkey in November. (VISIT)
is visiting
My sister _________________________ in the USA next year. (STUDY)
is going to study
Next week at this time we _________________________ in the sun in Spain (LIE)
will be lying
She _________________________ for the job that was advertised in the newspaper. (APPLY)
is going to apply
If you touch the stove, you _________________________ yourself. (BURN)
will burn
. I _________________________ tomorrow morning so we can go to the beach. (NOT WORK)
I´m not working
The phone is ringing. – I _________________________ and answer it. (GO)
I'll go
We _________________________ the homework by the time you get back. (FINISH)
will have finished