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Can you guess the correct relative?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'm engaged to a woman. She is my ________
fiancée (bride is more used to show the woman is getting married like that same day)
I'm not married. However, I'm engaged to a man. He is my ________
fiancé (groom is used for a man on his wedding day)
My wife's mother is my ___________
My son and my daughter are my ______
I was pregnant once again. This time I had a baby boy. He is my _____
I was pregnant. I had a baby girl. She is my __________
I'm married to a woman. She is my _______
I'm married to a man. He's my ________
My brothers and sisters are my _________
My father's daughter from another wife is my __________
stepsister / half-sister
Who is your mother second husband?
My stepfather.
Who are your aunt's children?
My cousins.
Who's your brother's son?
My nephew.
Who is your sister's daughter?
My niece.
Who is your father's sister?
My aunt.
Who is your father's brother?
My uncle.
Who's your mother's father?
My grandfather.
Who is your mother's mother?
My grandmother.