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How would you survive lv 2&3

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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how would you survive only eating pink food?
by eating cupcakes and strawberrie smooties
How would you survive walking everywhere for a year
by buying good shoes and eating a big breakfast
How would you survive living underground for 1 year
By eating worms and moles it would be an intresting year
How would you survive getting powdered garbanzos in your ear
Mix in a bit of lemon and oil and BAM hummus!!!!!
How would you survive eating 50kgs of extra salty pickles?
By making a super salty pickle smoothy
how would you survive listening to an old man eating 10 plums?
By getting him to push the plum pits into my ears so I dont have to hear him
how would you survive beeing a mosquito for a day?
By biting all my student so much that they don't have to go to school or work the next day (you're welcome)
how would you survive cooking a hotdog in a volcano?
You wouldn't you would die!!!!!
How would you survive getting spicy chimichurri in your eye
I would try and absorb the flavors through my eyes
How would you survive beeing licked by a camel for 1 hour?
I would bring some soap, at least I would be camel fresh!!!!!!!