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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Transform to positive : She didn´t want to attend to class.
She wanted to attend to class.
Transform to negative: They loved the food.
They didn´t love the food.
Past of these verbs: love, enjoy, fry
loved, enjoyed, fried
How is the weather today?
windy, rainy, sunny, etc.
What are the four seasons?
autumn, winter, summer, spring
What are you wearing right now?
The name of these symbols: p, c.
pence, cents 
The name of these symbols: €, £, $ .
Euro, pound, dollar.
When do we use until, for and with
until: a finish date, for: the lasting of something and with: for accompanying people. 
Does TOO mean something negative or positive?
Complete: Your brothers _____ in the school last monday.
Complete: Your friend______ in the party yesterday.
Transform to positive: We didn´t dance in the morning
We danced in the morning
Transform to negative: She tried to play soccer.
didn´t try
Transform to negative: She was in her high school.
She ____________ (not- study) English yesterday.
didn´t study
Last year, Mary ___________ (finish) her studies.
What is wrong in the sentence?: I didn´t wanted to do my homework.
Comparative of nice, smart, beautiful
nicer, smarter, more beautiful
She wants to ________(go) to the party.
Yesterday, I _________(travel) to Europe.
Today, he __________ (wear) a pair of jeans. Present continuous.
is wearing
comparative for tall, short, important
taller, shorter, more important
when do we use bored and boring?
bored: people.......... boring: things
when do we use long and tiny?
for things
when do we use short and tall?
for people
What are trousers?
Tell 3 temperatures of weather.
hot, cool, cold