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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When do you wear a mask
Any time you leave your house
What do us use on hands if you are not near soap and water
At least 76%alcohol based hand sanitizer
Water only
Soap only
Do i need to wear a mask at bedtime
How far away do i need to be from others
At least 6 feet
20 yards
10 inches
Across the room
How often should i wash my hands
At least every 30 min. For 20 seconds
Once a day
When i feel like it
Can you share your ppe with others
Can u reuse masks
Only if they are washable cloth
I dont know
Can u reuse gowns
Can u reuse gloves
Where can i buy ppe
All of the above
Drug stores
Medical supply stores
Your place of employment provides
What should a mask cover
Nose mouth and chin
Your eyes
Your nose only
Your chin
Who says we have to wear PPE?
All of the above
Regional Center
Our boss
What do you do with dirty, used PPE
Throw away in trash
Toss onto ground
Save it for another day
Put it in your pocket
What do we use to wash/ sanitize our hands?
Water, soap or alcohol based 75% hand sanitizer
Talcum powder
Epsom salt
How do you remove mask?
Grasp elastic from ears, do not touch front of mask
Cut it off
Shake your face
Blow it off
How do you remove gown?
All of the above
Turn gown inside out
Fold or roll into a bundle
Untie gown, pull gown away from neck and shoulders
How do you remove face shield/goggles?
Remove from the back by lifting by earpiece or headband
Cut it off
Shake your head
Keep it on
How do you remove dirty gloves?
All of the above
Peel off first glove. Slide fingers of ungloved hand under
Gloved hand peel and fold into first glove
Use gloved hand and grasp palm of other gloved hand
Why do we wear PPE?
Help prevent spread of coronavirus
Help shield us from the sun
Help protect us from insects
Help protect us from rain
What are the four pieces of PPE?
Gloves, mask, gowns, faceshield/goggles
Mask, gloves, faceshield, shoes
Goggles, shield, gown, hat
Gloves, glasses, diapers, gowns
What does PPE stand for
Personal Protective Equipment
Please Pass eggs
Paper Plastic Ecosystem
Pink Pigs Eat