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Jobs - Make a difference
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I write the melody and words for a song. Who am I?
I am very good at playing music. It is my job. I am a m____.
I introduce performers in a TV show or a stage show. Who am I?
MC - Master of Ceremonies
He teaches football players to improve their skills. He is a _______ .
I design new buildings and make sure they are built correctly. I am ______.
I check and repair electric wires and electric equipments. Who am I?
My job is to repair engine of vehicles [car or motorbike] and other machines [at the factory].
I work at the pool or the beach. I help swimmers to be safe.
I catch robbers and criminals. I protect people and property. Who am I?
police officer - policeman- policewoman
I work at a school. I have a lot of students. Who am I?
I am a doctor who does the medical operations.
I work in the hospital. I help people who are sick and injured.
My job is to take care of sick people. I work in a hospital.
I am the doctor for animals. Who am I?
a vet
He plays football very well. He is a _______.
We act in movies and films. Who are we?
actor - actress