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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Q: Why__? A: She looks so happy because she's met a friend.
Which of them__? A: He chose the red one.
Q: At what time__? A: They got home at five in the morning.
Q: __? A: Yes, this is all for today.
Q: What__? A: Mr. Smith took the 4:59 train from Dorking.
Q: __? A: No, Max doesn't read the Daily News very often.
Q: Where__? A: Max read it in the Daily News.
Q: __? A: Yes, we planned to buy a new car.
Q: How often__? A: The clock struck every half hour.
Q: What__? A: He likes pop music best.
Q: Where__? A: She usually puts it in her handbag
Q: Where__? A: He put it in his room.
Q: __? A: Yes, she does her room herself.
Q: __? A: No, thank you. I don't take milk.
Q: __? A: Yes, he told me that story again.
Q: Where__? A: They found him in the street.
Q: What__? A: We had only an egg for breakfast.
Q: How much__? A: It costs three pounds.
Q: Where__? A: We went to Switzerland for our holiday.
Q: How often__? A: The trains stop at this station every 20 minutes.
Q: When__? A: I saw her three days ago.
Q: Where__? A: He came from Leeds.
Q: __? A: No, we didn't hear from him yesterday.
1. Q: __? A: Yes, he knows where it comes from.