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Gold Experience A2+ Unit 8 Review
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Unit 7 Flashback: What's a vegetarian?
Someone who doesn't eat meat.
What is a platform?
Where one waits for a train.
What does develop mean?
to make
What are some examples of ID?
A passport, government card, student card...
What are the most important things to take with you on a trip?
Give your examples.
The soldiers talked _______ their new plan.
What is the difference between an adjective and an adverb?
An adjective describes a noun and an adverb describes how we do something.
How do we make most adjectives into adverbs?
add -ly
She ______________ for a long time now.
has waited
He's walking _______ here.
Use the word "yet" in a sentence.
ex. Did you finish your projects yet?
What does "local" mean?
Something from an area. ex. "Landmark 81 is a local tourist attraction." "Pho is a popular local dish."
Make a sentence using "while"
ex. I listened to music while reading a book.
Give an example of time expressions
firstly, next, secondly, thirdly, after, when, while, etc.
What is a document you need to show you have permission to enter a country?
The cats are jumping _________ to the other window.
Unit 7 flashback: What is an extreme cake?
A cake that is made like a sculpture.
We often _______ a train/bus/flight.
What are flip flops?
A type of sandal.
Make a question using "ever."
Have you ever been to Hanoi?
When we do use present perfect simple?
To talk about an experience at some point in the past, we don't say when it happened. (ex. I have read all of the Harry Potter books.)
How do we make a sentence using present perfect? Give an example.
Subject + have/had + V3 (+ for/since + time)
Vietnam has closed their borders ________ almost a year now.
We've been studying in school _______ last September.
They argued all day because they couldn't _______ ____ the season.
decide on
The tiny cat ________ put its head down.
A word for a long trip is....
Journey / Trek
This is the place where people check your bags for anything illegal or not allowed.
When you take a trip by boat, plane or bus, you need to pay a ________
When you're traveling, a hotel is a type of _________________