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Staff Training

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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After receiving the vaccine which statement is true?
Wear a mask outside because you can still get the virus
You no longer need to wear a mask
You are now safe and don't have to wear youthe vacciner mask
The vaccine lasts forever
How long sh?ould we has our hands for
20 secs
30 secs
15 secs
45 secs
What does WHO stand for
World Health Organization
World History Organization
World Health Organisim
We Have Organs
What does CDC stand for?
Center for Disease Control
Community of Disease Center
Center for Disease Community
Control of Disease Center
How many total people can be in one of our program rooms?
How many days of PPE are we required to have onsite?
What does PPE stand for?
Personal Protection Equipment
Personal Protection Essentials
Person Protection Extras
Personal Property Equipment
Who is Delhaven's infection control champion?
Where is Delhavens Quarantine/Isolation room located?
Cecilia's Office
Gym Office
Sue's Office
Upstairs Conference Room
Why do we test staff each month?
Because it is in our Mitigation Plan
Because DCC wants to
To keep our participants safe
To keep the staff safe
What best describes a Mitigation Plan?
All of the answers
Screening and testing staff and clients
Quarantine, Isolation, Cohorting
Infection Control, PPE, Staff Shortages, Communication