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Thermal Energy

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which rod melted the chocolate faster? thicker or thinner?
what is one of the factors that determine the thermal properties of a material?
composition (what it's made of)
what is one of the factors that determine the thermal properties of a material?
when an object's temperature decreases, what has happened?
the particles are moving slower
what is thermal energy?
energy within a system due to the motion of the particles
what is being measured when we take the temperature of something?
kinetic energy of atoms
what was the science guys name in the generation genius?
Dr. Jeff
what is one example of controlling thermal energy in our lives?
jacket, radiator, emergency blankets
what element cube had the highest heat capacity in the video?
Do larger things or smaller things heat up faster?
True or False: The type, states, and amount of matter of an object can determine its thermal energy transfer
Carries heat in the form of waves in space
Mode of transfer that occurs in fluids but not in solids
Land and sea breeze occurs due to which mode of transfer?-
Heat is transferred from particle to particle without the particles themselves moving.Which mode of transfer is this?
Mode of heat transfer that does not require a medium
Heat of the sun reaches us by which mode of transfer
Warm air always
What do we call bundles of energy that move through matter and empty space?
Thermal energy naturally transfers from _____ matter to ______ matter
hot to cold
What is it called when energy is transferred by movement of a heated fluid?
What is the transfer of thermal energy by particles bumping into each other?
What do we call the transfer of thermal energy from one piece of matter to another?
What does thermal mean?