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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name the three types of material of an object
Opaque, Transparent and Translucent
We can obtain darkest shadow by ____ object
Opaque object
A shadow is formed when ______
Object is kept between source of light and screen
Name the two types of source of light
Natural and Artificial
A ball moving on the ground will ______ after sometime due to _____ force
Stop and Frictional force
Name the type of force that helps the planets to move in their own orbit.
Gravitational force
Name the force applied by Reena when she kicked a football.
Muscular force
What will happen if the South pole of a magnet is placed near North pole of another magnet?
They will attract towards each other
Which of the following will be attracted towards magnet. Aluminum foil, paper, plastic
Aluminum foil
Give 3 examples of friction force
Many possiblities
Give 3 example of Muscular force
Many Possibilities
What is the effect of force while making a dough. Push or Pull
______ helps to measure mass of any object
weighing machince / Scale
We use Measuring tape to measure ______
The ______ is the natural luminous object
Moon is a _______ source of light.
Non - Luminous
Jelly fish is a Natural Source of light. True or False