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Test Prep Game: Hinduism and Buddhism
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the symbols of Buddhism?
Wheel of law, Bodhi tree
What are the symbols of Buddhism?
Wheel of law, Bodhi tree
What is the name of the Holy Book of Buddhism?
Name the 5 Precepts
See Picture
What is the religious building called in Buddhism?
What is the goal of Buddhism?
To Remove Suffering
Who is the founder of Buddhism?
Siddhartha Gautama
What is the round mark married Hindu women often wear on their forehead?
Which Hindu Holiday celebrates the Spring festival of Lord Krishna?
Which Hindu holiday celebrates the Hindu New Year?
Why do some Hindus not always go to the Mandir temple?
Many have their own shrines in their homes.
What is Moksha?
The state of changeless bliss- the final goal for Hindus where they break the cycle of reincarnation.
What is reincarnation?
The belief that you live more than one life and when you die you are born to a new life.
What is kharma?
The belief that your actions will have corresponding consequences.
What is dharma?
Natural universal laws that humans can follow to have peace.
Which god is considered the Preserver?
Which Hindu god is called the Destroyer?
Which Hindu god is called the creator?
Which animal is considered holy in Hinduism?
The Cow
What is the symbol for Hinduism?
Lotus Flower
What do you call a Hindu Temple?
What is the name of the Hindu holy book?
Where do most Hindus live?
Who was the founder of Hinduism?
There is no founder.
What does polytheism mean?
Belief in more than one god.