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End of March Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does the Roman Numeral "IX" mean? A) 4 B) 6 C) 9 D) 11
C) 9
How do you write 8 in Roman Numerals? A) IIIV B) VIII C) X D) III
How do you say the number "30" in Japanese?
The "Happy Birthday" song was not for public use until what year?
Which of the following weighs the most? A) 64 ounces B) 2 tons C) 3,000 pounds D) 9,000 grams
B) 2 tons
Which of the following animal weighs about a ton? A) Blue Whale B) Salmon C) Pony D) Giraffe E) Mr. Truc
D) Giraffe
What weighs about 1 gram? A) Wrist Watch B) Paperclip C) Pineapple D) 5 Pennies
B) Paperclip
Using dollar-up method, how much would you pay if you see $7.29?
What is the state bird of Florida? A) Bluebird B) Goldfinch C) Mockingbird D) Willow Ptarmigan
C) Mockingbird
What ocean borders Hawaii? A) Pacific Ocean B) Atlantic Ocean C) Gulf of Mexico D) Indian Ocean
A) Pacific Ocean
What ocean borders New York? A) Pacific Ocean B) Indian Ocean C) Atlantic Ocean D) Arctic Ocean
C) Atlantic Ocean
Austin is the capital of which US State? A) New York B) Florida C) California D) Texas
D) Texas
One foot contains how many inches?
12 inches
What is the capital of California? A) Los Angeles B) San Jose C) Sacramento D) San Francisco
C) Sacramento
What attaches bone to bone? A) Tendons B) Ligaments C) Muscles D) Strings
B) Ligaments
Which US state that we have learned so far has two nicknames?
On March 15, what math topic did we learn about? A) Inches, Feet, Yard B) Dollar Up C) Grams, Kilograms D) Ounces, Pounds, Tons
C) Grams, Kilograms
The Washington state flag is mostly what color? A) Green B) Blue C) Red D) Yellow
A) Green
The American Goldfinch is a state bird for which of the following US State? A) Alaska B) Texas C) Florida D) Hawaii
D) Hawaii
What is the capital of Hawaii? A) Maui B) Honolulu C) Hawaii D) Waikiki
B) Honolulu
How many main islands does Hawaii have?
How many ounces are in a pound? A) 8 B) 16 C) 1000 D) 2000
B) 16