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What is the name of the of Luigi's brother
What is the name of the fox from the sonic game that is yellow and can fly
What is the name of the most famous yellow mouse pokemon
What is the name of the game where Nintendo stars battle each other
Super Smash Bros
What is the name of the Gorilla who's initials are DK
Donkey Kong
What is another name from King Koopa
Name the strongest Character of All time
Teacher Nick
In the game Among us, who do you need to watch out for?
The Impostor
Who are the BAD versions of Mario and Luigi
Wario and Walaluigi
What is the name of the Dinosaur that is Mario's friend
This Character is the bad guy from Avengers End game... Don't let him snap his fingers!
This character is from the Marvel universe he uses webs to get around
Spider Man
This Character wears a Pink Dress and is in the Mario Franchise
Princess Peach
Which Character Must free Princess Zelda from Hyrule Castle
This character and his brother are plumbers, he wears a green hat
This Character is a fast hedgehog who collects rings