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Easter Quiz

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Where is the world’s largest collection of Easter eggs?
Poland - The Easter Egg Museum is located in Poland. This museum has more than 1500 eggs from all over the world.
What traditionally did children do to prepare for the Easter Hare in Germany?
Built nests - These nests were made to hold the eggs. They were often built in hats.
On Easter what do you have to have if you want good luck in the coming year?
You have to wear a new piece of clothing - Women often purchase new bonnets for the occasion.
What kind of bread is associated with Easter?
Hot Cross Bun - Hot cross buns are traditionally made with raisins or currants. Many of the buns today have candied fruit and glazed icing.
Where would you go to see the world’s largest chocolate bunny?
South Africa - This rabbit is carved to look like the Duracell Rabbit.
How much does the world’s largest chocolate bunny weigh?
2721 kilos - That is about 3 tons of chocolate. This monster rabbit was carved by Harry Johnson.
What are the Easter colors?
Purple and yellow - Every holiday has two traditional colors, the Christmas colors are green and red.
Which flower is associated with Easter?
The lily - The lily is said to grow with its head down to honor Jesus.
What is the name of the best known Easter Bunny in North America?
Peter - Peter Cottontail is actually from a story by Beatrice Potter in 1902. It was not until later that he became known as the Easter Bunny.
Which country brought us the tradition of Easter Eggs?
Germany - Eggs have been decorated and given out on Easter for centuries.