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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Edit this sentence: These clothes is too small for me.
Edit this sentence: My dog always growl at the mail main.
If only she could REVERSE this day and start over.
to move backward, go back
I think it is about time we changed our ways of DISPOSING of waste.
to get rid of
Even though my sister DENIED ever wearing my shirt, but I know she wore it on her date last night.
refusing to admit
My assistant will now DEMONSTRATE how to use the robot.
give a practical explanation of , explain by showing
The test was too hard for my so my teacher gave me an ALTERNATIVE assignment.
Because of the chef’s DISTINCT cooking style, his food is easily identified in a taste test.
identifiable, recognizable
You need to save a SIGNIFICANT amount of money if you want to buy a car.
a large amount
"Going on a wild goose chase" I had been on a wild goose chase all morning searching for my keys, when it turns out my brother had them the whole time.
Doing something that is pointless
Find the error: Today was the best day ever. We went to the park, eat hotdogs, and played catch.
As they APPROACHED the building, a large group of people came out yelling.
walked up to, neared
Find the error: They was telling me about how much fun they had at the park yesterday.
They WERE telling me about how much fun they had at the park yesterday.
"Don't judge a book by its cover" hat man may look very small and weak, but don't judge a book by its cover – he's a very powerful
Not judging something or someone by its initial appearance
"best of both worlds" Working from home is a huge plus; you have the luxury of staying at home and you get the benefits of having a job. Its the best of both worlds.
The choice or solution has all of the advantages of two contrasting things at the same time
"by the skin of your teeth" I passed Math by the skin of my teeth
just barely got by
Customers have been complaining about the INCONSISTENT service they have been recieving
not staying the same, constantly changing
I made the ASSUMPTION that he was coming, so I was shocked when he didn't show up
to assume, a thing that is certain to happen
"Beat around the bush" Stop beating around the bush and tell me why Mom is mad at me already!
Avoid sharing your true viewpoint or feelings because it is uncomfortable
"Adding insult to injury" The company rejected his application for a job, and to add insult to injury, refused to pay for his expenses.
act in a way that makes a bad situation worse
His idea of selling dead bugs to make millions of dollars is PREPOSTEROUS.
utterly absurd or rediculous