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What happens when Merlin drinks the potion?
A light comes from his head / has magic powers
What does Merlin look for in the forest?
An oak tree
Who is Ronwen?
the king's new wife.
This is red ; you can see it when you cut your finger.
What does Vortigern want Merlin to be , after he kills the dragons?
His magician
Why is Merlin's father always far away from home?
Because his father is a knight who fights with the king's enemies.
Merlin's best friend is __________.
a toad
How many dragons are there under the hill?What colour are they?
A red dragon and a white dragon
A small brown animal ;it lives in rivers , move very fast, and eats fish.
An otter
To do things to make people think that something is true when it isn't.
Why is Morfran very angry with Merlin?
Because his mother is dead.
A place with lots of trees
For his potion , Morfran wants the_____of a boy without a father.
a large pot that an enchantress uses for cooking things over a fire.
A cauldron
Who can get magic powers after drinking the potion of Ceridwen?
The first drinker of it
A woman who does unusual things that you can't explain..
What do Merlin and his mother do in the forest?
They often walk there
What are the names of the bullies?
Morfran and Arwel
Who does Merlin see in a dream ?
His father
In the water , Merlin is a fish,and Ceridwen is an eagle. True or false?
Merlin works on magic powers , and he learns to change .........
the weather