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Is Bill innocent or not?
He isn't innocent. He is guilty.
Who knows where Sikes is?
The police knows where Sikes is.
Who tells Bill that Nancy is a spy?
Fagin tells Bill the news.
Can Nancy prove her innocence?
No,she can't.
Why is Bill furious?
Because he thinks that Nancy betrays him.
Who tells Bill the news?
Fagin tells Bill the news.
Why is Fagin scared?
Because he doesn't want to be in a prison, too.
Where is Jack?
He is in a prison.
What does Monks look like?
He is tall, he has got dark hair, and a red mark on his cheek.
Why doesn't Nancy help more?
Because she loves Bill Sikes.
What does Nancy do to Bill , Monks and Fagin?
She gives information about them.
What does Fagin want Charley to do?
He wants Charley to follow Nancy.
Does Fagin see Nancy on Sunday morning?
No, he doesn't. He sees Nancy on Sunday night.
Why does Fagin follow Nancy?
Because Fagin suspects Nancy.