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Battle of the Books!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How does Tom change throughout the story?
He learns a lot about kindness and friendship.
What happens at the rally?
The Population Police catch and kill several kids!
Who is Mr. Talbot? How does he help Luke at the end?
Jen's father, gets Luke a fake ID
Why does Luke have to hide even when he is at home?
Families are only allowed to have 2 kids and he is the third kid in his family!
Who is the main character in Among the Hidden?
What are two conflicts in Fish in a Tree?
Albert is bullied, Shay is unkind to Ally, Ally can't read, Ally gets in trouble a lot, etc.
How would you describe Ally? Give some examples from the book to prove it.
Explain it well!
Which character is the most compassionate in Fish in a Tree? Why?
Can be any character if there is a good reason given!
What is the main conflict in The Hatchet? How is this conflict resolved?
Brian is stranded in the wilderness. He survives until he is rescued.
What is the setting of The Hatchet?
The Canadian wilderness
What point of view is the Hatchet written in?
Third Person
Why are people afraid of Jessica?
She has been badly burned and looks different than the other students.
List three characters in Fire Girl
Tom, Jessica, Courtney, Jeff, parents
What is a theme in Fire Girl?
Choosing kindness, it is okay to be different, the importance of friendship