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Simple Sentences

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The kids eat a big pizza! What's the subject?
1)The kids 2) kids 3) big pizza
The birds stand in a row. What's the predicate?
1)The birds. 2)stand. 3) stand in a row.
Superman. Is this a complete simple sentence?
1) No 2) Yes
Mom and dad help Sami. What's the subject?
1) help Sami. 2) Mom 3) Mom and dad.
The girls jump during Gym class. What's the verb?
1) Gym 2) jump 3) girls
The elephant plays soccer. What's the predicate?
1) plays. 2) plays soccer. 3) elephant
The children play in the park. What's the predicate?
1) play 2) in the park 3) play in the park.
The leopard runs fast. What's the verb?
1) runs 2) leopard 3) fast.
The lion drooled. What's the subject?
1) drooled 2) lion 3) The lion
Sami goes to the zoo. What's the predicate?
1) Sami 2) goes 3) goes to the zoo
The kitten sleeps all day. What's the subject?
1) sleeps 2)The kitten 3) all day
The students write on their notebooks. What's the verb?
1) students 2)write 3) notebooks.
The man___________________. Complete with a correct predicate.
1) my sister. 2) works in the house. 3) and woman .
The baby__________. Complete with a correct predicate.
1) my sister 2) the bathroom 3) eats the cereal.
My family goes to the beach! What's the subject?
1) My family 2) goes 3) to the
Bobby drinks water in a bottle. What's the predicate?
1) drinks 2) Bobby 3) drinks water in a bottle.
Teacher Ina works at Instituto Atenea. Is this a complete simple sentence?
1) Yes 2) No
Taylor Swift sings beautiful songs. What's the predicate?
1) sings beautiful songs. 2) Taylor 3) sings
Nelly Samaniego runs towards the building! What's the subject?
1) runs 2) Nelly Samaniego 3) Nelly
My grandma eats a cake. What's the subject of the sentence?
1) My grandma 2) eats 3) eats a cake.