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Early Humans

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What does 'Homo Habilis' mean?
Handy man or able man
Who came first: Australopithecus or Homo Habilis?
Did Homo Habilis hunt animals or steal meat?
Stole meat
Name an advantage to standing upright
Can see predators more easily / prey
What are opposable thumbs?
Thumbs that allow you to grip and touch your fingers
What is a biped?
Something that can walk on two legs
Why was fire helpful for speech?
Kept hominids together for a long time
Why was fire helpful for protection?
Scared animals away, helped them to see
Why was fire helpful for food?
Killed bacteria and toxins, made food give more energy, easier to digest
How tall was Australopithecus?
Around 110cm
What part of Africa was Australopithecus from?
What was the name of the stone tools that Homo Habilis made?
What was the nickname for the oldest hominid fossil found?