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Great Britain

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Tell about an important moment in the history of Ukraine.
Tell about an important moment in the history of Ukraine.
Tell about an important moment in the history of Ukraine.
This part of a room is above our heads.
It`s a ceiling.
This old stone building has large walls and towers.
It`s a castle.
We walk on this part of a room.
It`s a floor.
This is an open space in the centre of a town.
It`s a square.
This is a very large bulding that Christians use.
It`s a cathedral.
You use these to go up or down to another part of a building.
These are stairs.
This is a building that Christians use.
It`s a church.
This is a model of a person or an animal, made of wood or stone.
It`s a statue.
Someone important or rich, like a king or queen, lives in this very large house.
It`s a palace.
This is on the top of the building and keeps out the sun and the rain.
It`s a roof.
What new buildings were built of stone after the great fire?
A famous church - St. Paul`s Cathedral.
Read this word correctly: London
What buildings were made of stone and didn`t burn?
Many churches and the famous castle, the Tower of London.
How long did London burn?
It burned for 3 days, from Sunday the 2nd until Wednesday the 5th of September.
What were the houses like in 1666?
They were close to each other. They were made of stone but the walls were made of wood.
Where did the fire start?
The fire started in a bread shop in Pudding Lane.
What was London like in 1666?
The city was smaller than it is today, but the little shops were busy and there were lots of people in the streets.
Name 10 places of Interest in London.
Big Ben,Tower Bridge,British Museum,Buckingham Palace,London EYE,Tower of London,Trafalgar Square,St. Paul`s Cathedral,the Palace of Westminster, West. Abbey.
What is the capital of Great Britain?
London is the capital of Great Britain.