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"The Invisible Man" Chapters 5-6

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did the stranger do when he came out of his room?
He came down slowly, entered the parlour and shut the door in the faces of Mr. and Mrs. Hall. He told them to go to the evil.
What did Mrs. Hall think of flying furniture in the stranger`s room?
These were evil spirits that the stranger had magically called.
What unexpected thing happened when Mr. and Mrs. Hall checked that the bed was cold?
The bedcovers pulled themselves together into a pile and then jumped violently. The hat and soap strarted flying.The chair pushed them out of the room.
What did Mr. Hall, the innkeeper, see when he entered the stranger`s room?
The room was empty but he saw scattered clothes on the bed and chair. The hat was on the bedpost.
What did the vicar and his wife see or hear when the robber was in the house?
They saw an empty room, the lit lamp and that their money was stolen. They heard somebody sneezing and walking in the house.
Who was the thief? Why did he commit the theft?
It was the invisible man. He needed money to pay the bill to Mrs. Hall, the innkeeper.
What did the thief want to steal?
He wanted to steal housekeeping money.
When did the robbery at the Vicarage happen?
It was on Whit Monday, the day when Iping held its spring fair.