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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name the biggest item. Mountain / Elephant / mouse / car
Who is taller, Teacher Ingvar or Simon?
Teacher Ingvar
What is he doing in the picture?
what is the boy doing in the picture?
Reading a comic
What animals are Max and Pex?
Bird and a monkey
what is the correct word?
Bottom / mountain
Is the sentence correct? "Mr Lee has soup for bunch twice a week"
wrong, is lunch not bunch
is the sentence correct? "no one came to my birthday party"
what is this?
name 3 food or drink items and their containers.
What days are on the weekend?
Saturday and Sunday
Is the sentence correct? "elephants are the biggerest animals"
Wrong, should be biggest
Is the sentence correct? " Sue is the happiest girl in the room"
Is the sentence correct? " Juliette's grandma is youngest than her sister
Wrong, it should be Younger
What do you drink from a cup?
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate
Name something you drink from a bottle.
Water, soda, beer
From what do you eat ice cream from?
A bowl
Is this sentence correct or wrong? "Today, there is a robot race in the park"
It is correct
Is this sentence correct or wrong? "I love eating my burger from a glass"
wrong, you dont have food in glasses
What is this job?