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IE2 questions U1-5

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ask for a dinosaur.
Can I have a dinosaur, please?
Ask for felt tips.
Can I have felt tips, please?
Ask for badges.
Can I have a badge, please?
What can you buy at the shop? name 5 toys
badges, stickers, rubbers, key rings, felt tips
Descria a parrot.
It's red and yellow and blue. It's got 2 legs and wings. It can fly and it can talk.
Describe a zebra.
It's black and white. It's got 4 legs and a tail. It can run.
What can't a bat do?
It can't swim. It can't run.
What can't a penguin do?
It can't fly. It can't talk.
What can a snake do?
It can climb and swim.
What can a monkey do?
It can jump and climb a tree.
Name 5 animals.
parrot, dolphin, snake, zebra, penguin
What have you got?
I've got a mirror.
What have you got?
I've got a plane.
What have you got?
I've got a bat.
What have you got?
I've got a skateboard.
What have you got?
I've got a skipping rope.
What have you got?
I've got a scooter.
Name toys with 0 wheels.
boat, helicopter
Name toys with 2 wheels.
motorbike, bike, scooter
What is in the treehouse?
box, sofa, table, cupboard, cushion, shelf, chair, rug, bed
Where is the puppy?
The puppy is in the box.
Where is the dog?
The dog is under the table.
Where is the cat?
The cat is on the cushion.
Ride a scooter.......
ride a train, ride a bike now spell your name
I like skipping ......
1,2,3, I want Lucy in with me.
Spell your name.
What’s you favourite number?
My favourite number is...........
What’s your favourite day?
My favourite day is ..............
What day is it today?
Today is Tuesday
How old is he?
He is five years old.
How old are you?
I'm ..... years old.
What’s your name?
My name is..