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Narrative Writing, Long Vowels, & Sentence Fixer ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the 4 main elements (or pieces) of a story?
characters, plot, setting, & theme
What is narrative writing?
writing where you tell a story; real or imaginative; needs a beginning, a middle, and an end
How many mistakes are there? What are they? How can you fix them?
4 mistakes; We went to Disneyland for our trip.
How many mistakes are there? What are they? How can you fix them?
3 mistakes; Did you brush your teeth this morning?
How many mistakes are there? What are they? How can you fix them?
4 mistakes; We made candy apples last night.
How many mistakes are there? What are they? How can you fix them?
4 mistakes; I like to look at the stars in the sky.
How many mistakes are there? What are they? How can you fix them?
4 mistakes; The leaves are turning brown.
What do long vowels do that short vowels don't do? What are the long vowel sounds?
Long vowels say their name: A, E, I, O, and U
What are the short vowel sounds?
teacher confirmation
Long vowel or short vowel?
long vowel
Long vowel or short vowel?
short vowel
Long vowel or short vowel?
short vowel
Long vowel or short vowel?
long vowel
Long vowel or short vowel?
short vowel
Long vowel or short vowel?
long vowel
Long vowel or short vowel?
short vowel
Long vowel or short vowel?
long vowel
Long vowel or short vowel?
short vowel
Long vowel or short vowel?
long vowel
Long vowel or short vowel?
short vowel
Long vowel or short vowel?
long vowel
Long vowel or short vowel?
short vowel
Long vowel or short vowel?
long vowel
Long vowel or short vowel?
long vowel