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ybm_kim_6th grade(lesson 2. What would you like? ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What would you like?
I would like 민초로제떡
What would you like?
I would like cucumber pizza
Name 3 foods that has meat.
meat pie, steak, beef curry
Name 4 foods that has cheese inside(5seconds)
cheese pizza, cheese yogurt, cheese hamburger, cheese 닭갈비
반숙을 영어로? _______sideup
(선생님 답변 대신하기) What would you like?
I would like hawaiian pizza.
I'm the biggest alphabet, as i have the most water in the world. Who am I?
Unscramble the words and make a sentence( would / you / like / What / ?)
What would you like?
spelling correction!!!!!!!(I would like delisious fried lice, please)
delisious---> delicious, lice----> rice
Name the country of this food?
Name any Thai food you know?
Name the food according to the ingredients.
I would like to have mayonnaise, please.
How's the food?
Fill in the blank and read the sentence.( It's _ __________ salty.)
It's a little salty.
What would you like?(Look at the picture and answer in full sentence.)
I would like to have pizza, please.
Name the food according to the ingredients.
I would like to have vanilla ice cream.
What would you like?(Look at the picture and answer in full sentence.)
I would like a vegetable curry.
Name 4 foods we learned
spaghetti, curry, pizza, fried rice