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Passive -ing forms and infinitive

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The children are looking forward to ________ for that television programme. (film)
The children are looking forward to being filmed for that television programme.
___________ for that course changed my life. (accept)
Being accepted for that course changed my life.
His greatest ambition is __________ to take part in the Olympics. (choose)
His greatest ambition is ________ to take part in the Olympics.
I don’t like ______________ (laugh at).
I don’t like being laughed at (laugh at).
He would like _________ a second chance. (give)
He would like to be given a second chance.
I kept __________ as I was giving my lecture. (interrupt)
I kept being interrupted as I was giving my lecture.
He hoped _________ in June. (elect)
He hoped to be elected in June.
They needed ________ a lesson. (teach)
They needed to be taught a lesson.
She didn't mind __________ to help with the Christmas dinner. (ask)
She didn't mind being asked to help with the Christmas dinner.
I don't remember _______________ to do that. (tell)
I don't remember being told to do that.